xSQL Schema Compare SDK for SQL Server version 12
DatabaseTriggerPairBase<T> Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by DatabaseTriggerPairBase<T>.

Protected Constructors
Protected ConstructorDatabaseTriggerPairBase<T> ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DatabaseTriggerPairBase<T> class with the specified members and parent database.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyComparisonStatus Gets the comparison status of the pair members. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public PropertyId Gets a unique internal id that identifies the pair of object. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public PropertyIncluded Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the pair should be included in the synchronization script. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public PropertyLeftEntity Gets the left member of the pair. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.SqlPairBase<T>)
Public PropertyLeftSupported Indicates whether the schema action required to make the left pair the same as the right pair is supported in the left database. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public PropertyParentPair Gets the parent of this pair. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public PropertyRightEntity Gets the right member of the pair. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.SqlPairBase<T>)
Public PropertyRightSupported Indicates whether the schema action required to make the right pair the same as the left pair is supported in the right database. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public PropertySqlExtendedPropertyPairs Gets the collection of extended properties that belong to the pair of triggers.  
Public Methods
Public MethodContainsMemberOverloaded.  Indicates whether the pair contains a member with the specified name and type. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.SqlPairBase<T>)
Public MethodGetLeftTargetedScriptOverloaded.  Returns the script generated for the left member of the pair. This is the script intended for the left database that makes the left member the same as the right member. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public MethodGetRightTargetedScriptOverloaded.  Returns the script generated for the right member of the pair. This is the script intended for the right database that makes the right member the same as the left member. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public MethodPropageInclusion Propagates the inclusion flag to the descendants of the pair. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.PairBase)
Public MethodToString Returns a readable description for the pair. (Inherited from xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer.SqlPairBase<T>)
See Also


DatabaseTriggerPairBase<T> Class
xSQL.SchemaCompare.SqlServer Namespace



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